Chapter 2

ach question is supplemented by the “Flag this item” button. Clicking this button adds the corresponding question to the custom database of your favorite questions.  Later you will use this smaller database to select questions for a test. Your smaller custom database is stored with your user account and is preserved for future manipulation. You will also be able to add more questions or remove unwanted questions in future logins.

All the questions are marked according to the part as A, B or C. In general, part A is focused on the problems solved when the subtopic is introduced in the class. The part B contains more advanced problems and part C includes advanced questions which may not be taught in some high schools. By clicking the “info” button, you can see more details about each part. For example, you can see that the part B includes the questions on “scalar product of vectors”, “perpendicular vectors” and “angle of vectors”.

Suppose you want to prepare a test for practicing “scalar product of vectors”.

After returning to the points and vectors page, select part B and confirm the choice by clicking the “Apply” button. You can browse the part B questions and add the ones to your custom database of your favorite questions. 

ach question is supplemented by the “Flag this item” button. Clicking this button adds the corresponding question to the custom database of your favorite questions.  Later you will use this smaller database to select questions for a test. Your smaller custom database is stored with your user account and is preserved for future manipulation. You will also be able to add more questions or remove unwanted questions in future logins.

All the questions are marked according to the part as A, B or C. In general, part A is focused on the problems solved when the subtopic is introduced in the class. The part B contains more advanced problems and part C includes advanced questions which may not be taught in some high schools. By clicking the “info” button, you can see more details about each part. For example, you can see that the part B includes the questions on “scalar product of vectors”, “perpendicular vectors” and “angle of vectors”.

Suppose you want to prepare a test for practicing “scalar product of vectors”.

After returning to the points and vectors page, select part B and confirm the choice by clicking the “Apply” button. You can browse the part B questions and add the ones to your custom database of your favorite questions.